Monday, August 16, 2010

We got our In Country Itinerary today!

It's just Monday and this week has been busy already. My sister, Juli, had a baby girl yesterday. I held her for quite some time last night getting sad that I didn't hold Ruth Min when she was that little. But then it made me grateful to her caretakers for the first 27 months of Ruth's life! I plan to make up for missed time with rocking, singing, hugs and kisses.
Today we've been trying to gather the thank you gifts for Ruth's nannies. It is hard to express your gratitude in a small gift. Maybe it is the intention that counts.
Then we got home to have an email from our agency with our travel details and the adoption process in China! It is a FULL two weeks. 
Now the countdown to our flight out of this country..... 9 DAYS!


  1. Yea! Can't wait to "watch" you leave!
    Staci Barrus

  2. We are so excited for you guys. What a wonderful way to start off a school year. You have waited so long for this and I am sure that the next few days of excitement and anticipation may be some of the roughest days. You will be back home resuming life as you know it but with one more beautiful family member. Praise God for the wonderful things you are able to do for this precious little girl. She is a very lucky young lady. We are praying for a safe and speedy trip.

    Love you guys,
    Heather, Thomas, Hunter & Toby Bailey
